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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 2:6-10
This content is part of a series.

How to Lose a Generation (4 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 2:6-10

Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. They thought that a king would solve their problems. They were RIGHT and WRONG at the same time. They needed a king, but not an earthly king.

They needed an eternal king...and they already had one. They should have spent their time BOWING before the king they had instead of BEGGING for the king they thought they wanted.

Having read this book in preparation for our series, there are many dark and sobering passages. That's what life is like when men live like they have no ruler and every man does what is right in his own eyes.

The story of molestation, malice, and murder that we saw in our survey lesson of chapters 17-21 is certainly among the darkest narratives. But I was not prepared for how hard these 5 verses would hit me as I prepared to preach them tonight. In many ways, they will prove to be among the saddest in the entire book.

In verse 8, we come, somewhat mysteriously to Joshua's 3rd death. Even though it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, he has now had 3 deaths. If you do the math that means he was 1/3rd cat!

His death is recorded in Joshua 24:29. It is also referenced in Judges 1:1 which makes Judges 1 AFTER the death of Joshua.

The Bible is often ordered THEOLOGICALLY and even TOPICALLY and not always in strict CHRONOLOGICAL order. The bottom line is, what we have in chapter 1 is a bit of an overview. What we have in chapter 2 is a bit of a flashback. I told you last week that verses 1-5 really overlay with Joshua 15-17.

These verses tonight coincide with the close of Joshua 24. In fact, of the 5 verses we read, 4 of them appear in Joshua 24, almost word-for-word. This is after Joshua's famous charge, "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." And then, the people all lifte ...

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