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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 2:1-5
This content is part of a series.

A Come to Jesus Meeting (3 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 2:1-5

The entire Bible is a testament to Christ. As Jesus told the disciples on the Emmaus Road, all Scriptures testify of Christ. Some Scriptures are easier to see that in than others. But we will find in Judges a repeated cycle of sin, suffering, supplication, and salvation. But the salvation that comes through an earthly judge will never last and will never compare to the salvation provided by the eternal Son of God.

It's against the backdrop of these bloody and rebellious pages that we realize, we need a King to come. And for those of us who know Christ as Savior we can say our King has come!

The Bible itself is a story of a coming King. The OT says He is coming. The gospels say He has come. The rest of the NT says He is coming again.

Here, we are in the OT pages which picture and prophecy his first coming. And tonight, we find the Lord Jesus as clearly as on any page in the book of Judges. I admit there will be a few places in this book that we will have to look harder to see Him. But here, our Lord, in His preincarnate state, is as easy to see as the noonday sun.

He is here in the form of a Confronting Christ and a Rebuking Redeemer. Here in the opening of Judges 2 is the Chief Justice of Heaven's Supreme Court. It's Judge Jesus on the bench and court is now in session as He confronts the nation of Israel.

I don't like to be confronted. And I think that if you enjoy confronting other people in their sin or if you enjoy being confronted in your sin, then you aren't wired right.

Well, tonight, the nation of Israel is confronted in their sin. But it's not a confrontation from someone in their Sunday School class. It's not a confrontation from a Christian coworker or a concerned friend or family member. In fact, this confrontation is not from a mere mortal man at all. Israel is confronted by the Lord Jesus.

The KJV calls this messenger "a ...

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