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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 1:1-36
This content is part of a series.

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory (2 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 1

The entire Bible is a testament to Christ. As He told the disciples on the Emmaus Road, all these Scriptures testify of Christ. It's against the backdrop of these bloody, sinful, and rebellious pages that we realize, we need a King to come and save us. So, I want you to watch each sermon and each text, for hints of Golgotha and glimpses of the Lord Jesus.

Tonight we are going to look at the first chapter. Canaan's conquerors will be seen as Canaan's compromisers. As God handed the nation of Israel a stunning victory on a silver platter, somehow, some way, in their sin, they manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

It was a late season Friday night between Lowndes and Valdosta. There in my hometown we call it the Winnersville Classic. My alma mater, the Lowndes Vikings were up by 10 with under a minute left. AND we had the football.

There was a Region Championship on the line as well as home-field advantage through the playoffs.

Without boring you with the details, there was a mysterious pick-6, a recovered onside kick, and a hail Mary touchdown. Having led by 10 with less than a minute left, we lost by 4. The radio announcer noted that we had "snatched defeat from the jaws of victory."

Here in the opening narrative of Judges, the nation of Israel does the same thing. Some of you will recall our study through Joshua was called, "Walking in Victory." And we noted that the possession of Canaan was not a picture of heaven but of victorious Christian living.

As Joshua goes to be with the Lord, there's been victory after victory and success after success. But somehow, in his absence, the people manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

And they do so in a matter much more important than pigskins and gridirons. They fall in defeat on the battlefield of LIFE. And they experience defeat and discouragement IN SPI ...

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