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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Title: Following Christ (11)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 4:1-6

Reading Peter's words is to knowingly read the words of one who left everything to follow Christ. After watching his life, the up and downs, we know that he wanted his reader and by extension us to follow Jesus and have a good life.

He'd told us about holy living and being a living hope for all to see. He's told us to rid ourselves of the sin of this world and do good work. He's spoken repeatedly about submission and how that can advance the gospel by leading others to faith. And he's admonished us to be ready to speak a word for Jesus. It seems that everything he says calls those who read to follow.

Just as Peter left everything to follow Jesus, he gives the call to us to leave behind whatever holds us back from following Christ wholeheartedly. Peter's life story is a clear picture of what it looks like to follow Jesus and have a fulfilling life.

In reading this passage, 6 words gives us a framework for understanding Peter's call to follow Christ.

1) Reason - Vs 1 - "Since Christ suffered (for us) in the flesh" - Here's our simple reason for following Jesus, "Christ suffered in the flesh." He was suffered, bled, and died. For us (in other manuscripts) is certainly understood because Peter is simply reminding us of what he has just written, "Christ died once." Here it is: the just, righteous, godly (HIM) to bring US (you and me) to God. The reason we are to follow Jesus is "SINCE HE DID THIS" or "BECAUSE HE DID THIS, THEREFORE" follow Him. Do you remember John 6:66? Jesus had just given the hard teaching about His flesh and blood and verse 66 says, "From that moment many of his 'disciples turned back and no longer accompanied or followed Him." As Jesus journeyed toward the cross, the people wanted (and wants) it to get easier and Jesus says, "It'll only get harder." The reason to follow Jesus and stay the course is He suffered in love for you.

2) Ready - Th ...

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