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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Romans 8:29

Title: 3 Gifts You Can Give the Next Generation
Author: Scott Maze
Text: Romans 8:29

Here are some interesting things I have heard moms say.

1. My kids sure make a lot of plans for someone who can't drive anywhere.

2. One mom said to another, "That's it. I'm selling my kid on eBay."

The other mom replied, "Don't be silly! You made him. Sell him on Etsy."

3. Nothing is lost until mom can't find it.

4. "Silence is golden. Unless you have kids. Then silence is suspicious."

5. "I don't want to sleep like a baby. I want to sleep like my husband."

6. "There's nothing quite like being told I'm wrong by someone who depends on me for food, clothing, and shelter."

A police recruit was asked what he would do if he had to arrest his mother.

He said, "I'd call for backup."

Mother's Day is when we send cards and flowers and eat meals with our moms.

It's a time when we say thanks.

Interestingly, according to an FBI undercover agent, Mother's Day is the most important holiday on the mobster's calendar.

There are no vendettas or broken bones on Mother's Day with the mob.

According to mob informants, it's only gift baskets and boxes of candy.

So, everyone is nice on Mother's Day!

The Bible says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward" (Psalm 127:3).


No one is more influential in my children's lives than their mother.

She has served them, cooked for them, cleaned them up, scolded them, preached to them, educated them, hollered at them, and loved them repeatedly.

She has taught them so many time-honored lessons along the way, from how to drive to how to do a job well.

In between, there has been relationship advice, money skills, and some job skills.

If my children keep the faith, a big portion of that will be because of their mom's voice inside their heads.

Being a mother is challenging and discouraging.

For many of you of ladies, it was the black and whit ...

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