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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Title: The Christian's Commitment to Holy Sexuality (12)
Series: 1 Corinthians
Author: Robert Dawson
Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Every child and teenager, in every culture and era of world history, has used the same argument to lobby their parents for certain rights, privileges or purchases.

Parents, in every culture and era of world history, have heard the same pathetic and unpersuasive argument from the lips of their children as they are lobbied to grant certain rights, privileges or possessions to their offspring.

The well-worn argument that eventually drips from the lips of every breathing, thinking, feeling, and speaking child is "but everyone else is going." "Everyone else's parents are letting them stay out later." "Everyone else has one."

The obvious intent of said argument is to appeal to an action's wide-spread acceptance by their peers.

- If everyone else is doing can't be wrong.

- If everyone else has one...then it must be okay.

- If you want to be a good parent, like all the others...then you need to allow this action or provide me this gift.

- If you don't, you are depriving me of something essential and my life will end as we know it.

As Christians, we are prone to the same faulty reasoning as our children. If a belief or action is widely accepted, then it must be right. It must be good, even if it conflicts with God's Word.

As Christians, we are prone to use the same unpersuasive illogical arguments to justify our behavior or desires.

- Everyone else gets to, so should we.

- We don't want to be left out.

- We don't want to stand out.

- We don't want to be thought odd.

- All we want is the right to do what everyone is doing.

Certainly, God, our Heavenly Father, would not deprive us in anyway. Afterall, we are free in Jesus.

Truthfully, we do have a lot of freedom as believers, but our freedoms can become a stumbling block to spiritual growth and effectiveness.

- We can en ...

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