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by Brian Mills

Scripture: James 2:14-26

Title: Prove It (4)
Series: James
Author: Brian Mills
Text: James 2:14-26

I am loving this collection of Sermons through James.

I pray it is adding value to you in your own spiritual journey and God is using it in your life.

SO FAR....

James 1:1-12 - Turning Defeat into Victory - Let your faith stand taller than your defeat.

6 ways to prepare for the life test.

James 1:13-18 - Resist the Lure - I don't care how worldly you are or how Godly you are in this room. YOU WILL BE TEMPTED.

7 principals to resist the LURE

James 1:19-27 LEVEL UP!! Moral filth reduces our hunger for God's word and clouds our understanding.

Today we move to James chapter 2.

James 2:14-26 We will make this statement today... PROVE IT!!

Have you ever made a statement and someone goes PROVE IT.

If there is no picture I don't believe it

I lifted this weight - PROVE IT
I caught this fish - PROVE IT
I shot this deer - PROVE IT

People tend to want to impress others w/ their words and their stories but what good is all that if you can't back it up.

Same in our faith right... If you talk a good game but you don't live it out what good is it. SOMEONE IS SAYING PROVE IT.

So let's read what James says in James 2:14-26...

Now as we read let me remind you...

James is written to fellow church folk who for the majority are Jewish. Learn this in James 1.

Some of the Jewish Christians paid a cost and others had come into the fold and claimed Christianity yet did not live like Christians.

So James addresses them throughout his book. Great word for American Christianity today.

That is why I love this book. It calls you up.

It challenges you to evaluate where you are in your faith.

Today will challenge you.

Today James is going to say.. "Ok, you say you are a Christian, PROVE IT!"

James 2:14-26 [NIV] 14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no d ...

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