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by Mike Stone

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:1-10

Title: The Prayer of a Godly Mother
Author: Mike Stone
Text: 1 Samuel 2:1-10

After years of barrenness and brokenness, God opened Hannah's womb and she gave birth to a son. She took him back to the tent of meeting with the intention of leaving him there in service to the Lord.

But before Hannah and Elkanah head back to the wagon, before they head back to Ramah, Hannah stops to do one last thing. But it's not one last stop at the restroom.
She doesn't need one last trip to the water fountain. She hasn't seen a friend she needs to speak to before they go.

No. She stops to pray.

And frankly, it's not the prayer one might expect as a mother is about to leave her only son at the house of God forever. No, the prayer is fill with joy and celebration. It is so melodic and so filled with quotes and references to other songs of worship, that many of have suggested she was actually singing, even though the text doesn't say she "sang" but she "prayed."

Whether she SANG her PRAYER or PRAYED her SONG, it is obvious that she is magnifying the Lord in prayer and praise.

Normally, it's not nice to eavesdrop on someone's prayers. But God has bugged the altar, and the Holy Spirit has written a transcript of this great prayer. I think there's a lot we can learn in our life about prayer from listening to WHAT Hannah prayed, WHY she prayed it, and HOW she prayed it.

As we lean our ear to the text and listen to this mother pray, let's consider three things that should guide and govern the prayers of mothers and fathers, and sons and daughters.

1. She prays personally about what He has done (1-2)

David would later write, "Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not His benefits." Well even though Hannah didn't have Psalm 103, she had not forgotten His benefits and she was indeed blessing the Lord from her soul.

And you will note that she isn't offering some whispered little prayer. This isn't the silent prayer of chapter 1, if you know that story. No, she is ...

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