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by Scott Maze

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 18:5-7

Title: 7 Habits for Growing Believers (5)
Series: 40 Day Challenge
Author: Scott Maze
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 18:5-7b

In my mother-in-law's house, there is a really important wall. It's a wall that has marked our children's physical growth over the years. When you walk into the guest bedroom and look down at the base of the wall, you see little pencil marks next to dates from years ago. Then as you look eye-level, you have more current dates of how these three have grown physically. As I survey that wall, I have a sense of gratitude for how tall they've grown through the years.

Spiritual growth happens through "little advances." God has designed your growth to happen through spiritual disciples such as Bible study, prayer and fasting, and attending worship regularly. Believer, you have a purpose in life, and your purpose is to become "a little Christ."1

The Forty-Day Challenge is a series of sermons designed for your growth. It's designed to motivate you to grow spiritually by forming seven habits that Christians have used for centuries to grow in their faith. Please put this in front of you for the next few minutes. I want you to take a 40-day challenge with me.

40 days of Bible reading.
40 days of prayer
40 days of serving.
40 days of giving.

Over the next few minutes, I'm going to touch on each of these seven habits. I'll be all over the pages of the Bible. I hope to serve as a catalyst for your personal spiritual growth for the next few moments. I want to encourage you to form some personal habits that shape and focus your life.

1. I Commit to Reading My Bible for 40 Days

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16).

1.1 Lifeway Study of Bible Reading

The people at Lifeway followed 2,500 believers like you back in 2008. They followed these believers around for a year to see what helped their faith grow.2 Here's what t ...

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