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by Brian Mills

Scripture: James 1:19-27

Title: Level Up (3)
Series: James
Author: Brian Mills
Text: James 1:19-27

Today we are 3 weeks into James.

James 1:1-12 - Turning Defeat into Victory - Let your faith stand taller than your defeat.

6 ways to prepare for the life test.

James 1:13-18 - Resist the Lure - I don't care how worldly you are or how Godly you are in this room. YOU WILL BE TEMPTED.

7 principals to resist the LURE

Today we are going to continue this collection in James as we move to James 1:19-27 we will call this one LEVEL UP!!

Level-up means to Advance or to Improve.

Video Games - It is always the goal to Level Up

Mario Brothers - Next Level...

Work-life - Level Up - Called a Promotion.

Life - Level up - Called Maturity

Leveling up is receiving coaching so you can go from where you are, to being the best you that you can be.

That is what James is doing w/ us in his book.

Coach James is saying... it is time to Level Up!!

So he started his letter w/...

Consider it PURE Joy when you face trials but not when you are tested. God gives you tests but God does not tempt.

So you better get ready for what is to come.

The truth is this... You can either equip yourself for life's challenges or life will overwhelm you.

Why get overwhelmed when you can live equipped... COACH JAMES WANTS TO HELP WITH THAT...

So Today.. let's LEVEL UP!

Last week we ended with James 1:18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.

First Fruits was a farming term... and it referred to the first and the best of the crops that were harvested.

The first fruits were also an indicator of what the rest of the harvest would probably look like.

A farmer would usually take the early harvest and store it away just in case of a bad drought or an infestation of locusts.

Right here, James is saying, that WE are just the beginning of this harvest. Man ...

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