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by Jeff Ecklund

Scripture: Exodus 34:29-30
This content is part of a series.

Title: Let Us Consider (2)
Series: Glorious Church
Author: Jeff Ecklund
Text: Exodus 34:29-30

We received a comment awhile back from someone that was visiting. As soon as they got out of their car in the parking lot they could feel the presence of God.

When we gather together there is a glory=kabod=weight if you will, that is present.

John Calvin writes, "No one ought to be reckoned among the disciples of Christ, unless we perceive the glory of God impressed on him, as with a seal, by the likeness of Christ."

I would say that the mark of the church should be that people "perceive the glory of God impressed upon her"...for all the world to see and experience.

Exodus 34:29-30 (ESV)

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God.
30 Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.

In the Old Testament the glory of God would "rest" in/on the tabernacle

In the New Testament, glory rests on this people when they gather.

I remember last year when Joel was preaching he said something about the difficulty of preaching/preparing. ( I just had someone say that it must be hard to prepare a sermon every week).

The difficulty is because there is spiritual warfare and resistance when preparing to preach/teach something that has the power to transform people.

There is also a resistance to gathering. Gathering on a consistent basis. Have you ever noticed how you are more likely to get sick/plumbing goes/power out/kids that are angels all week suddenly become little wild people? Or your child doesn't like crowds..Or you don't like crowds?

It's because the gathering together of God's people has the capacity to not only impact the people, but impact the surrounding communities and regions. ...

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