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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-17
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Call To Good Works (6)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 2:11-17

Three times in my adult life, I have been a volunteer fireman/first responder. Those are times that I am proud of because I offered physical help to people who were in need. Whether their house was on fire, injured in an accident of some kind, or had a medical event of some kind, being able to be there, first on the scene, with the knowledge and skill to help was personally satisfying.

I suggest there is something in every one of us that desires to do good to others. For me, this is more than interesting because this is the VERY THING we are called to do when we are in fellowship with the Lord.

Peter, it seems to me, is the most practical of all the original 12, now he has his shortcomings. As Emerson said in our Sunday evening conference, Peter doesn't always get it right. He went on to make the point that 2 disciples denied Jesus, Peter, and Judas, but Peter was far different that Judas for a myriad of reasons. He is a person of good will and strong faith; AND he wants to influence us to be the best Christ-follower we can be. This is very apparent as we read his inspired writing. As we opened the chapter last week, he gave us some practical things to do in order to become a new you. Today, he picks up on that and pushes us a step further, calling us to good work. How? (TEXT)

His opening words here are both personal and practical for us. He calls them "dear friends" or 'dearly beloved' as well as 'strangers and exiles,' or pilgrims. In other words, he is saying, 'to those who are saved and in the family, both here and there. He's writing to the redeemed, those who are a part of the family. He knows that many are running for their lives from the persecution that will ultimately take the lives of many. His message is 'good work'. How.

1. Abstain from some things - (VS 11) -This should bring a smile because, in verse one, he has already said, "Rid yourselve ...

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