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by Brian Mills

Scripture: James 1:13-18

Title: Resisting the Lure (2)
Series: James
Author: Brian Mills
Text: James 1:13-18

Last week we started a journey through a Coaches Book - James

At least that is how I see it.

A book written by Jesus's ½ Brother on the call up in our faith.

Last week, James Challenged us to Turn Defeat into Victory

This week we will continue reading his letter and if you were just reading it through like they would have then you would almost think he changes topics so fast.

Just 13 sentences in he goes from:

His decision to follow Jesus

Who he is writing to

The challenge to not let a test defeat you, but to develop you. To find Victory over Defeat.

Then 13 verses in, he changes it again and starts talking about the Temptation of SIN.

Let's read it slowly today and be equipped by Coach James and the Word of God.

James 1:13-18 When tempted, not if, not you might be... When...

Can I encourage you today... Don't beat yourself up on being tempted to step outside of God's plan for your lie.

The Bible says "WHEN TEMPTED"

The Bible says. 1 Peter 5:8 [NIV] Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The devil wants to come after you. He is like a roaring Lion!!

The question is what will you do with the temptation you face? Peter says. Be alert and of sober mind

That is why we need today's sermon.

I know I know... you hear... oh boy a sermon on SIN.... I would rather have a sermon on giving

Remember James is a coach and calling us to be the best us God created us to be!

The crazy thing is... I don't care how worldly you are or how Godly you are in this room. YOU WILL BE TEMPTED.

Can we just all agree on that today.
I will
You will
We all will.

A great way to stand against temptation is to start by recognizing you will be tempted, and you can fall.


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