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by Brian Fletcher

Scripture: Exodus 20:12

Title: Being a Mom-Duty or Delight
Author: Brian Fletcher
Text: Exodus 20:12

Here are some things to consider when putting together a sermon for Mother's Day. I mention these because we are preaching to an entire congregation not just a particular segment.

Infertility. Some couples are unable to have children for various reasons. They really want to be parents but there is an issue, usually medical, that prevents it. It is important to be mindful of these folks as you preach. Not being able to have children is devastating for some couples.

Loss of a child. Some families have lost children and this is a pain that will never go away.

Consequences of Parenting. Some moms have simply not been good, loving parents. Maybe they have struggled with addictions in the past or personal struggles that have hindered them from caring for their children well. They may have regrets and feel like they can never recover from the hurt they have done to their children. While this is a difficult situation, the gospel still has healing power, even in the most dire of circumstances. There is always a chance for reconciliation.

Rebellious children. Some children have a rebellious or strong-willed spirit and this can make it difficult to parent. This can lead to strained relationships.

Singleness. Some women are single but really, really want to be married, have children, and be a mom. So, when we focus on being a mother, they can feel left out, misrepresented, or feel guilty for not being able to live out their dreams.

Abortion. Some women have had abortions. It is doubtful that you will ever know who they are, but more than likely they are in your congregation. This is obviously something a mother can never undo. Some women have unbelievable guilt and shame over this. Again, it is important to preach about the healing balm of the gospel, about the forgiveness of sins, and that there is hope in Jesus who has taken care of their unborn baby. Preach carefully and with ...

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