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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Acts 26:1-32
This content is part of a series.

Title: Defending Your Faith (10)
Series: Paul-An Apostle of Christ
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Acts 26

- Have you ever had to defend the faith? Have you had to defend your personal faith?

- Sometimes defending your faith is not so much about answering every question that an unbeliever may have ... but simply sharing WHY.

- "Why do you believe in Christ? Why do you attend and participate in church? Why do you live the way you do? What are your morals what they are?"

- The goal is to get them to HOW ... "How can I know God? How can I be forgiven?

- Today we read where Paul gives a defense before Agrippa. - Let's start with some context ...

- Acts 21 - Paul heads to Jerusalem and as was prophesied he is arrested there.

- Acts 22 - Paul stands before the Roman Tribune.

- Acts 23 - Paul is set before the Jewish Leadership Council, the Roman Tribune is desiring to know why he was being accused by the Jews. They get into a divisive argument when Paul brings up the resurrection. The tumult got so bad the Tribune had to take Paul away. Luke tells us ... Acts 23:11- The following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome." - From this point on we see Paul very focused on getting to Rome.

- Acts 23 - Some Jews plot to kill Paul while he's being held by the Romans. His nephew discovers this, Roman leadership is notified and Paul is spared.

- Acts 24 - Paul stands before Felix, the Roman procurator of Judea, to give an account. Nobody can figure out what Paul has done wrong. Felix ends up holding Paul for 2 years.

- Acts 25 - Paul makes an appeal to Caesar before Festus, Felix's successor.

- Acts 26 - Paul makes a defense before Agrippa. - Herod Agrippa II or Marcus Julius Agrippa was the son of Herod Agrippa I.

- F.F. Bruce notes he was "ruler of a client kingdom to the northeast of Festus's province."
- He has come by to ...

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