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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Mark 16:1-20
This content is part of a series.

Title: He Arose (24)
Series: Gospel of Mark
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Mark 16:1-20

I - The Resurrection Testimony (1 - 6)

II - The Resurrection Task (7 - 8)

III - The Resurrection Thrill (9 - 11)

IV - The Resurrection Tandem (12 - 13)

V - The Resurrection Tirade (14)

VI - The Resurrection Theme (15 - 18)

VII - The Resurrection Transfer (19 - 20)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Spit it Out!

One Sunday morning after church as I was shaking hands with a young dad, suddenly he said, "Pastor, excuse me, please." He had noticed his little 4-year-old with something in her mouth. Fearing what she may have in her mouth, he demanded her to spit it out. She shook her head "No!" And jaws bulging out, she kept chewing. Then, again with more authority, her dad demanded, "Spit it out." She refused. He put his hand under her mouth and loudly demanded, "Spit It Out, and Spit it out now!" Knowing that her dad meant business, directing her mouth down to his outstretched hand, into his palm she spit out a mouthful of spit and a gooey mess which was obviously once an Oreo cookie. It looked detestable. We all had a good laugh.

His little daughter did not want to share what she had but was compelled to do so, we could also say that we are also compelled to share the Gospel. But not because we have our heavenly father threatening us. No, because it is the most powerful and needful message in the world, and because "The Love of Christ compels us to!"

Now if you had a mouthful of Oreo cookie, you may be tempted to swallow it, and not to share it with anyone, even when your earthly Dad is demanding you to "Give it to him!" But if you have received The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and you understand that it is the only hope for mankind, then you must allow your love for sinners to compel you to share it! Spit it out!

Hello, My Name is ...

We are not sure that Lazarus ever spoke, I am sure he did, but the Bible do ...

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