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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Acts 21:1-14
This content is part of a series.

Title: Paul & The Will of God (9)
Series: Paul-An Apostle of Christ
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Acts 21:1-14

- Christians want to DO GOD'S WILL. To do it, we have to know it.

- We can't practice what we haven't discovered. We can't obey what we haven't learned.

ILLUS. - I want my kids to obey me. - But they can't obey what they don't know. If they don't
know what I want or expect, how can they do it? It would be an exhausting exercise. "Why didn't
you ______?" "But Dad you never asked me to _______." "Well, you should have just known."

- God wants us to do walk in His will ... He REVEALS His will. - God's is not trying to hide His plans from us. He's not sending us on a wild good chase or a snipe hunt.

- He has a will, He wants us to walk in ... He helps us do so.

- Sometimes God's will is very clear because it's revealed in His Word. That's the revealed will of God. It's black and white. - It's in God's Word. Do this, don't do that. It's clearly revealed, we simply need to pick up a Bible.

- But what about the things we don't have a verse for? - There are tons of decisions we make about life, marriage, family, work ... that we don't have a direct verse for. Scripture guides us, it gives direction, parameters ... but doesn't explicitly tell us every step.

- The Apostle Paul knew God's will for him to be an Apostle, but what about where to go? When to go? - Did he have a verse for all that? No. He had to seek, learn, and pursue God's will. He had to be led by God's Spirit, and make decisions. He had to choose obedience to God's will.

- Paul pursued God's will, but it wasn't easy. - His life didn't easier, it wasn't w/o trouble, pain, or conflict. God's will is not a path w/o difficulty. - But it's the path of obedience.

- In Acts 21 ... the Apostle Paul is headed to Jerusalem, convinced it is God's will. Others seem to think otherwise. In the end Paul goes to Jerusalem. From this story we can learn important principles about pursu ...

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