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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Acts 15:36-41, Acts 16:1-10
This content is part of a series.

Title: Hitting Life's Curveballs (7)
Series: Paul-An Apostle of Christ
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Acts 15:36-16:10

ILLUS. - Hitting the Curve - It's baseball season. ... What makes a curveball so effective is ... 1. It's unexpected. You have to be ready for that fastball but then here is something different. 2. The change of speed. It's slower than the fastball. 3. It breaks. It doesn't travel in a straight line. It falls off.

- Life's curveballs are similar. We usually don't expect them. Sometimes it's a change of speed ... we are going along really good and then something happens that slows us down, or speeds us up ... it throws off the timing off our decisions. Sometimes it puts us in a situation where ... we thought the next step, the next opportunity, was HERE ... but it's over there.

- Now that was for our baseball folks. For the rest of you ... in the words of that Southern philosopher Forrest Gump ... "Sometimes life is like a box of chocolates ... you never know what you're going to get."

- Today ... we are going to see Paul begin his second missionary journey. But as he does, he encounters a curve ball ... or for you non-baseball lovers ... one of those weird chocolates in the Valentine's box that nobody wants.

- This is life in general and life on mission. If you live for the Lord, if you seek to honor God, if you seek to make much of Jesus with your life ... you will encounter some bumps along the way. - You'll have to make ADJUSTMENTS.

- The questions ... can we, will we ... stay the course ... and continue to do what God wants us to do ... when things don't go as we planned? When we get what we didn't expect, or God says, "No" to our plans ... will we remain faithful? Can we hit the curve? Can we roll with the punches? Can we stay the course?

Acts 15:36-16:10 - 36 And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us return and visit the brothers in every city where we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are." 3 ...

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