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by Josh Malone

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Weak Made Strong (4)
Series: Paul-An Apostle of Christ
Author: Josh Malone
Text: 2 Cor. 12:1-10

- Every Christian is a work in progress.

- Ruth Bell Graham, who was the wife of the late Billy Graham, her tombstone reads "End of construction - Thank you for your patience."

- God is working on us. - We are under construction. - There is a process of sanctification taking place in the life of ever believer. God is at work ... day by day ... in our lives.

- The Apostle Paul was also a work in progress. - God saved Paul and God went to work sanctifying, teaching, and working on Paul to day by day make him into who God wanted him to be ... for God's glory.

- We are going to learn about one of those episodes today and how Paul learned that when he is weak ... he can find strength.

- Living the Christian life, serving others in Christ name, representing Christ ... living out our individual callings as Christ followers ... it's not about our strength, our power, or simply our natural abilities. - And our frailties, our struggles, our sufferings ... remind us of that.

- God uses the weak. God strengthens the weak. When we are weak ... we can find strength in the Lord and be used for His glory. It's not about our strength, but the Lord's.

- But first ... let's review where we are at this point in Paul's life.

Acts 9:30 - And when the brothers learned this, they brought him down to Caesarea and
sent him off to Tarsus.

- After going to Jerusalem Paul's life is under threat. - They send him back to his hometown.

- At this point in Paul's life he had been converted on the road to Damascus in around 33 A.D. Paul then spent time in Arabia, around 3 years. He returned to Damascus and then went to Jerusalem. Then Paul was sent back home to Tarsus. Paul ended up being in Tarsus for several years (approx. 7) before being sought out by Barnabas to help with the work in Antioch. - Paul give us a summary in Galatians ... Paul says ...

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