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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Acts 9:1-43
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Conversion of Paul (2)
Series: Paul-An Apostle of Christ
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Acts 9

- Some conversions get discussed throughout church history ...

- Augustine, Luther

- In American history maybe you recall Charles (Chuck) Colson

- No conversion is more known, more read ... more jarring ... than that of Saul of Tarsus.

- We learned last week that Saul was a vehement persecutor of the church. He was there when Stephen was put to death, given approval with the garments of the witnesses at his feet. He led the persecution of the Christians in Jerusalem that took place after that.

- He was dragging men and women out of their homes to have them locked up. He was voting for their death when he had opportunity.

- Saul was passionate about stopping the church. He was convinced Jesus Christ was not the Messiah and in fact was dead. He was convinced those like Stephen were false prophets, leading others astray, and he wanted them imprisoned or dead.

- But ... while the church understandably feared Saul ... God did not. While the church endured Saul's wrath ... God was about to save Saul from wrath. While Saul was the chief persecutor of Christ followers, Saul was about to become one of the most persecuted Christ followers. While Saul was trying to stop the mission of the church, God was about to transform Him into a missionary.

- From looking at Saul/Paul's conversion today ... hopefully we can glean truths about how God works ... in our lives ... and in the lives of those we long to see come to Jesus.

- Here is the main thing ... the big idea we see here ... CONVERSION IS A WORK OF GOD. It is a MIRACLE. It is something God does. There is no one He can't save. God saves. We don't save. God saves.

Acts 9:1-19 - But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the ...

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