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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22

Title: A Loving Rebuke: The Cure for Spiritual Blindness (9)
Series: Seven Churches of Revelation
Author: Tim Melton
Text: Revelation 3:14-22

The Anton Syndrome is a rare neurological condition resulting from damage in the brain where one believes that they can see even though they are blind.

The American Academy of Neurology describes it this way. "Patients with Anton Syndrome are often found describing people or surroundings that are not present, or walking into objects, though the patient will continue to deny (their blindness) even when presented with evidence otherwise." Their brain generates (false) visual images causing them to believe that they can see.

It is hard to know how this would be even possible, but in Revelation 3:14-22 we see a church whose spiritual vision was just as blind and they also had no idea.

That was the situation of the Church in Laodicea. Let us now begin with Revelation 3:14,

14 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

Laodicea was a city built by the Seleucid King, Antiochus II during the third century. It was named after his wife, Laodice.

The city was located in the Lycus Valley in a scenic area where the Lycus river met the Meander River, with Mount Cadmus in the background.

The trade route from Asia to Europe passed through Laodicea and on to the port at Ephesus. Because of this it was an ideal place for wealth and trade. The soil was fertile for agriculture and the grazing of sheep that produced much black wool and many types of clothing.

In the words of Ramsay: "It (Laodicea) only needed peace to make Laodicea a great commercial and financial center." That is what Rome brought. During the Pax Romana, when Rome had brought peace because all opponents had been defeated, Laodicea was thriving and in the words of Pliny, had become "a most distinguished city." They had their own famous medical school and were known for a coveted eye salve that they produced for those with various visi ...

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