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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 10:5-13
This content is part of a series.

Title: Motivations to Keep Praying (38)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 11:5-13

INTRODUCTION: Last week, we saw the disciples make a request of Jesus that he teach them to pray, as John also taught his disciples. Jesus responded with what has commonly been called "The Lord's Prayer." This week, he follows up on that teaching with three key motivations for prayer.

CONTEXT: I have found that people don't pray mainly because they lack motivation. They are not convinced that it would do any good. If they get in a situation that is entirely beyond their control, they will give prayer a shot as a last resort.

JOKE: You've heard of the group of people who had used up all other options, and finally, someone says, "I guess we should pray," to which another said, "Has it come to that?"

Prayer can be that way - a last resort rather than a primary resource.

ILLUSTRATION: I've explained it this way - suppose I said this morning I announced that we are going to dedicate this entire hour to prayer in groups of 4 or 5; how would you feel? Excited? Pumped? Let's be honest; maybe I'm a little frustrated and uncomfortable. But suppose that the ground beneath us suddenly started to shake, and we found ourselves in the middle of a massive earthquake. The ceiling begins to fall - suddenly, does prayer suddenly become much easier? Of course - Why? Motivation.

Well, that's negative motivation - today, our Lord is going to provide us with positive motivation to pray.

- You see - if you know how to read but do not read for all practical purposes, you are illiterate. Most men never read a single book after they graduate high school. For all practical purposes, they are illiterate.

- In the same way - I would say to you that if you know how to pray but never actually practice prayer for all practical purposes, you are AGNOSTIC.

That is, you believe God is up there somewhere, BUT he has a lot on his plate, so why bother Him? He is likely to do ...

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