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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 9:49-62
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Requirements of the Mission (33)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 9:49-62

INTRODUCTION: Let me commend you for starting this new year out well - by gathering for Lord's Day worship. On this first Sunday of the new year, as a Church, we stand on the brink of some tremendous challenges and opportunities.

- The New North Wing is complete and will be opening very soon. That will allow for the expansion of our small group ministry, our school outreach, and a large room for conferences and events.

- The South Property Demolition is complete, which will provide much-needed parking.

- The New FBFIRST Central Nassau Campus launches next week.

- We are exploring the possibility of adding a balcony and additional office space to make room for further growth.

- Thanks to the generous invitation of Congressman Bean, on February 16th, I will be opening a session of Congress in prayer.

- The Maximum Life radio ministry is taking what we do here across the state.

As our Lord said, "The fields are white unto harvest."

Providentially, the text before us today could not be better suited to speak to the MISSION we find ourselves in at the launch of this new year.

CONTEXT: We come today to the hinge verse on which the Gospel of Luke turns. Verse - 51. As Luke writes - 51 When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.

Until this point, Jesus faithfully worked in Northern Israel in the Galilee region. The ministry there had been quite successful. It might be expected that he would live out His days there and become a famous Prophet, like Isaiah or Elijah. But he was more than a Prophet - and He had a mission that could only be fulfilled in one city on the planet - the city of Jerusalem.

Galilee was a rural area filled with small towns and villages. Jerusalem was a historic city of significant consequence.

It was literally a city sat upon a hill. The entire journey would be uphi ...

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