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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 8:40-56
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Title: Do Not Fear, Only Believe (29)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 8:40-56

INTRODUCTION: We come today to the 25th sermon in our study of the Gospel according to Luke. As we have said before, the first advent of Christ was a type of preview of coming attractions. To fully grasp the significance of Jesus coming in the flesh, you must rewind over 6,000 years to the very dawn of Creation.

There in the Garden of Eden. Man had just sinned, the verdict had been issued - guilt as charged, and the sentence was death.

- Immediately - spiritual death in a spiritual separation from God.

- Ultimately - eternal death in a conscious judgment that had been prepared for Satan and Demons but now would have to accommodate those who joined in the rebellion.

- But Gradually - there would be a physical sickness and death.

- We see the first humans living very long lives, hundreds of years... but that life span shortens as time progresses. By Gen. 6, the life span is around 120 years. By the writing of Psalm 90:10 (ESV) 10 The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty... So a normal human life is 80 - 120 years.

Imagine how it must have been when Adam was sick for the first time. Or the excruciating pain Eve felt when she gave birth to her sons. The work Adam had done in the garden was hardly work at all; now, he must till the soil and work against thorns and weeds. Beyond all of that - funerals. The first was Able, the son of Adam and Eve. Things had changed.

But there was hope - God said the seed of the woman would one day put right all that had gone wrong in the garden. He would crush the serpent's head and be bruised in the process.

That is the hope of Christmas, by the way - that the promised seed has come in the person of Jesus Christ. And in the words of Sam Gange to Gandolf - "everything sad will now become untrue."

The ministry of Christ was just that - it was a spilling over of the world that is t ...

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