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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 7:10-35
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Forgotten Beatitude (25)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 7:11-35

INTRODUCTION: I am told that there is an adventure that can be found on the bucket list of every outdoorsman in California. To hike from Mount Whitney's top to Death Valley's floor in a single day.

The view from the top of Mount Whitney is breathtaking. It is the highest point in the continental United States at some 14,495 ft. To the north, as far as you can see the Sierra Nevada; to the East, the mirages of the hot Mohave desert. On a clear day, you can see over 100 miles. Eighty miles to the southeast, you could see Death Valley, the lowest point in the continental United States, some 276 ft below sea level.

What a contrast, just 80 miles away. One place is on top of the world, the other at the bottom. At the top of Mt. Whitney, it is perpetually cool and refreshing, and at the bottom of Death Valley, it is relentlessly hot.

Imagine experiencing both in a single hike.

Our text today takes us on a similar journey. It takes us from the pinnacle of joy and celebration to the very pit of despair. From the Pinnacle to the Prison. As such, our text today is Holy Ground.

I've never cared a great deal about the emotions of those who are easily triggered. But I must warn you today - that the Holy Spirit, through this text, will take you on a very personal journey.

- He will remind you of those mountains that did not move.

- He will stand with you at the banks of seas that did not divide.

- He will lay a hand on the stones that were not rolled away.

And He will ask, "Do you still trust Me?"

CONTEXT: Last week, we looked at the Marvelous faith of the Roman Centurian who sent word to Jesus saying, "I am not worthy for you to visit me, but simply say the word and my servant will be healed." To which our Lord declared, "I have not seen such faith in all of Israel."

Today, another man of faith will send messengers to Jesus, but not to decla ...

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