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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 7:1-11
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Title: The Astonished Savior (24)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 7:1-11

It's not difficult to imagine that hearing the words and seeing the miracles Jesus performed would leave people astonished, stupified, and bewildered. But today I want to introduce you to a man who left JESUS Astonished.

OPENING ILLUSTRATION: Just off the coast of New York is a little island called "Ellis Island." It was the TSA Checkpoint of its day.

This was where immigrants from Europe first came to be processed into American citizenship. Before Ellis Island, each state had its own immigration port. But now, all of Europe would come through that one location.

January 1, 1892, was the opening day. As the first ship docked at Ellis Island, a Viennese Doctor approached the deck. It looked as though he would be the FIRST. What an honor and privilege to be the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island. In fact, he was so frozen by that moment of historical significance that a young IRISH girl named ANNIE MOORE slipped around him, and she became the very first immigrant to be processed at Ellis Island.

There is something about being the first to do something. I was the first man in my family to graduate college, the first to earn a Master's degree, and the first to enter into a Doctoral Program.

Today, we will look at the first Gentile to become a Christian.

Remember last week we looked at Roman's 9, and we saw this great sweeping view of redemptive history as:

- ISRAEL, the natural branch, was broken off due to their rejection of Christ as Messiah.

- GENTILES from every tribe and tongue were grafted in.

- UNTIL the last days when ISRAEL's eyes will be open again.

Well, what we saw in MACRO last week, the text allows us to see in MICRO this week.

We will see how the Kingdom of God begins to take its first citizens from among the Gentiles. Theologically, this passage is a huge deal. You see, for a Jew to come to faith in Christ, he or ...

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