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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 6:17-26
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Title: Blessed (21)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 6:17-26

INTRO/CONTEXT: Historically, the passage before us has been called "The Sermon on the Mount" because, in Matthew's account, we are told that Jesus delivered this sermon from a Mountain. Here in Luke, it says he stood on a level place. This has caused some controversy among theologians. Some believe that the two gospel writers are referring to two different events; others say the content is so similar that it must have been the same occasion, and Jesus was finding the level place on the mountain to stand on. Either way, the content of the Sermon on the Mount was likely the content of most all of Jesus's sermons. It was the life message of Jesus, so to speak. That being the case, it is best to take Luke's and Matthew's accounts and interpret them together.

Notice also, the theme that is developing thus far in the Gospel. Jesus came to be Baptized by John. He crossed into the Jordan. Then, he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted for 40 days. Now, we see Jesus gathering and explaining the Law of God in a fresh and new way on a Mountain.

OT ALLUSION: Who does that remind you of? Well, Moses, during the Exodus - led the people through the Red Sea, which is figuratively called "their baptism," then 40 years in the wilderness where they were tempted and tried, and finally to Mt. Sinai, where Moses went up on Mount to receive the law of God. So, the Gospel writers present Jesus as a true and better Moses. The Moses of the New Covenant, as it were.

That should cause us to ask, if the people in Exodus were being delivered from Egypt, from what are we being delivered? We are being delivered from the Kingdom of this World to the Kingdom of God and its King, Jesus Christ.

Understand this sermon from that perspective - what is the world view of citizens of God's Kingdom?

TEXT: Luke 6:17-26 (ESV)

17 And he came down with them and stood on a level place, with a gre ...

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