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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 6:12-16
This content is part of a series.

Title: Jesus Calls the Apostles (20)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 6:12-16

INTRODUCTION: The success or failure of any endeavor rests upon a leader's ability to build a team. No one man can do it all alone. Knowing who to call and who to cut can make all the difference in the world.

Just this week, the Jags Head Coach Doug Pederson had to cut his own son Josh from the team's roster, which makes for an awkward Thanksgiving.

Nevertheless, that is what leadership is all about. In the words of Jim Collins, it's "knowing who belongs on the bus and which seat each person should fill."

Teamwork does make the Dreamwork.

John Maxwell said it well, "One is too small a number to accomplish greatness."

Even Jesus Christ, the very Son of God in the flesh, had a team.

- He had the multitude. The multitude was made up of some who were genuine followers, some who were curious, some who were there for the wrong motives, and some who were there to destroy Jesus.

- From the multitude he had the 70 - they were sent out two by two to do the work of the Kingdom.

- From the 70 he called 12, who would ultimately serve as His Apostles.

- From the 12 he had 3, whom he would give unprecedented access to. These three would be His leaders of leaders. They would go with him up to the mount of transfiguration and deep into Gethsemane.

Today, we are looking at his selection of the team. The 12 men who would be responsible for an impossible task. The evangelization of the whole world.

ILLUSTRATION: Several years ago, Dr. S. D. Gordon wrote a book entitled, "Quiet Talks on Service." In that book, Dr. Gordon paints a vivid fantasy. He shows Jesus walking down the golden streets of heaven. He has just returned from the earth in His ascension. And heaven is eager to greet Him and welcome Him, and the first to greet Him there is Gabriel, and so He and Gabriel are arm in arm, walking along the golden street. And Gabriel engages Him in a conv ...

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