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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 6:12-16
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Title: Evidence of an Idol (19)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 6:12-16

INTRODUCTION: A few things are very clear when it comes to scripture:

1. We were meant to WORSHIP God

You were created first and foremost as a worshipper. Everyone worships something. You only find your ultimate purpose in the Worship of God through Christ.

- The term WORSHIP is derived from the Old English word meaning, "worth - ship".
It is an attribution of worth or value.

ILLUSTRATION: Every ship that travels in international waters is legally required to have a posted manifest which is used to tally tariffs and levies in foreign ports of call. That manifest has an accurate record of what is on board that vessel. For the Christian - our lives are manifest that declare the manifold glories of God. We come together on the Lord's Day and corporately declare what is on board this vessel.

We commonly speak of worship in conjunction with the word, "praise". Which is where we get our word appraisal, which means to attribute worth to something.

We were designed to Worship God

2. Satan's Primary Strategy is to redirect our worship toward Idolatry.

The enemy wants to get you to love, value, and worship anything but God. Thus breaking the greatest command, thereby committing the greatest sin. This greatest sin is called, "Idolatry".

The most repeated command is this, "have no other gods before me". Also forbidding idolatry.

EXAMPLE: In the garden Satan tempted Adam to value his word more that God's Word.

We commit Idolatry anytime we Worship/Value anything more than God.

So idolatry isn't always bowing down to a statue, but it's when anything takes a place of greater prominence in our lives that God.

That is why Paul said in Colossians 3:5 (NASB95)

5 Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.

- Sexual Sin - Idolatry

- ...

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