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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 5:12-32
This content is part of a series.

Title: Authority to Forgive (16)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 5:12-32

INTRODUCTION: In the last 100 years the practical experience of being a human has changed so radically, that it is near impossible for us to relate to people 100 years ago, much less two millennia ago.

- 100 years ago the average life expectancy for an American male was 56 years, for a female 54 years.

- People would have large families, but it was almost presumed that a number of the kids would not survive.

Turn the calendar back 50 years more and from the dawn of humanity for the next 6,000 years the great worries included things like famine and plague.

No matter where you lived on the globe, these were your greatest threats.

Yuval Harari recently wrote, Until recently most humans lived on the very edge of the biological poverty line, below which people succumb to malnutrition and hunger. A small mistake or a bit of bad luck could easily be a death sentence for an entire family or village. If heavy rains destroyed your wheat crop, or robbers carried off your goat herd, you and your loved ones may well have starved to death. Misfortune or stupidity on the collective level resulted in mass famines.

Starvation due to lack of food was a real threat. Our experience is so different...

The wealthiest Americans eat a salad with steamed tofu and quinoa, then spend an hour at the gym with their personal trainer to work off any excess body fat. While the poor gorge on Twinkies, Cheetos, hamburgers and pizza.

Half of the earth's population is expected to be overweight by 2030. Famine and malnutrition combined will kill about 1 million people this year, whereas obesity will kill 3 million.

Understand, a Messiah who had the ability to multiply loaves and fish and feed multitudes was viewed very differently in the first century than it is in our day.

Or what about one who could heal sickness? You see, in our day, great accommodations are made for all m ...

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