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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 3:23-38
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Genealogy and Temptation of Christ (12)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 3:23-4:13

INTRODUCTION: As some of you may know, I am highly interested in history of all kinds and I draw from that study often in my sermons. What you may not know is that I am also a student of genealogy. I'm "that guy" in our family that bores everyone to tears over our incessant attempt to connect all of the dots in the family tree.

My father once told me, "Son, I wish you would leave that stuff alone, you are likely to find more than you intend!"

Well that hasn't happened yet. So far, I have found that I am in the lineage of Davey Crockett, one of the defenders of the Alamo. Lady Bess of Hardwick, Countess of Shrewsbury. One of the most powerful non royal women in British history.

But my favorite discovery came from an email I received several months ago. I had submitted my DNA for testing via which places you in a global database with millions of others and ranks you by genetic relation. I could see based on DNA who my first cousins were, which side of the family, which member of the family they descended from and so on.

One day I received an email from a lady in Austin, TX who indicated that the DNA test revealed that we were cousins on my mother's side. She then asked if I had a great uncle who lived in Chicago in the 1950's. Turns out this lady had been raised by an adoptive family. She had identified her mother, but never her father. This DNA test was her last ditch effort to connect the dots.

I did have a great uncle in Chicago in the 1950's, but he never had any children... or so we thought. I asked if she might be willing to send me a pic so I could see if there was any resemblance to my Uncle Dempsey. When the photos came in the resemblance was absolutely undeniable. I needed no DNA evidence to believe that she was his daughter.

I had preached Dempsey's funeral a few years earlier, I was able to tell her about him and ...

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