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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Matthew 21:30-46

Title: The Parable of the Tenants (2)
Series: The Parables
Author: Josh Malone
Text: Matthew 21:33-46

ILLUS. - Sometimes the story is feels like it's about you. - You may watch a good movie and identify with a character. Like it could be about you. It may be an uplifting, encouraging story ... or it may be one that is sad, convicting, or tragic. Stories are powerful tools of communication.

- Sometimes the story ... is about you. You might recall in the OT after King David committed adultery and murder he was confronted by Nathan the prophet. He told him a story about a man with plenty stealing from another man with one lamb. David was irate, and Nathan told him ... you are the man. "David ... you are the bad guy in the story."

- Today, Jesus tells a story to the chief priests and pharisees and they are going to perceive it's about them, that they are the "bad guys" in the story. - But they don't respond like David in repentance, they dig in and continue their rebellion.

- Today, we look at the parable of the wicked tenants. - Here is the CONTEXT of today's story. It's passion week. Jesus has entered Jerusalem. Many celebrated Him when he entered ... they said "Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." - Then Jesus entered the temple ... and He cleansed it.

- Jesus enters the temple and cleans house. He runs the money changers out. Jesus left and then he came back later. - When he re-entered the temple the chief priests and elders of the people began to CHALLENGE HIS AUTHORITY.

- "What authority do you do this in?" In other words ... "Who do you think you are?" - To them ... they were in charge of the temple. They were the leaders. He's running people out?

- Jesus is Lord. The temple was meant to point to Him. But they didn't get this, they refused to. They questioned Jesus' authority. The refused to repent and believe in Him.

- The truth is ... the one w/ the authority issue wasn't Jesus. It was these religious l ...

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