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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-25
This content is part of a series.

Title: Stay Clean in a Dirty Culture (4)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 1:13-25

As a reminder, Peter has laid a foundation of leaning on the Lord or learning into the Lord for daily life. But Peter knows how easy it is to get sidetracked with the cares or sin or pull of this world. He writes for us to stay clean in a world that's dirty. Why does He do this? All one has to do is to "open their eyes" to see that we live in a culture like Paul described to the Philippians, a 'crooked and perverse generation.'

It's worth noting that Jesus prayed for His disciple and thus, us, in the Lord's Prayer (John 17) and asked the Father to "Keep them from the evil or unholy one." Interestingly, He didn't ask God to take us OUT of the fray, but rather, protect us from the evil. Chuck Swindoll rightly says it this way: "Jesus didn't ask the Father to isolate us but rather to insulate us." Jesus wanted us to stay clean in this sinful world.

Our text intimates several words that help us STAY CLEAN in a DIRTY CULTURE.

1) Calling - Verse 13 points us to our calling. Sadly, many people only equate calling with vocational ministry, but every Christ follower has a calling and that calling begins in the same place 'being ready.' CSB says, "With your mind ready for action" while others say things like, "Prepare your minds for action" or "Preparing your minds for action", or "Gird up the loins of your mind." The picture is this: "Be ready to DO SOMETHING," not just anything but something, fulfill the calling, the responsibility that God has given you. Almost every translation uses the word, "sober". You do know what that means. It means clear thinking, thoroughly prepared and ready. Nothing prepared you or makes you think more clearly than you 'set' (fix, pin, rest) you hope (assurance) in Jesus and all that He has done for you.

Make no mistake; Becoming a Christ-follower is a call to action not a call to passivity. The function of a follower is drive ...

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