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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6

Title: Breathing Life into Dead Faith (6)
Series: Seven Churches of Revelation
Author: Tim Melton
Text: Revelation 3:1-6

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3

In today's wording we might say it more like this.

Blessed are those who realize the spiritual bankruptcy of their souls, for only they are prepared to truly receive the riches found in Christ Jesus.

Blessed are those who daily realize the weakness of their flesh, for only then will they give up control and walk in the power of the Spirit.

Blessed are those who enter through the doorway of humility and dependence and find themselves at home in the presence of God.

This morning, we return to the book of Revelation, and Jesus' words to the church in Sardis. Let's take a moment to consider the history of this city so that we can better understand Christ's words to them.

Present day Turkey, the location of the seven churches that Jesus addresses in the book of Revelation, has a long history. This area of the world is a crossroads between continents and has been coveted by many conquerors throughout history.

In the time of the book of Revelation this area was part of the Roman Empire. Before that this area had been known as the Seleucid kingdom, of which Pergamum had been the capital. Before that Alexander the Great and the Greeks had ruled this area. Before that they had belonged to the Persians. Before that, this area in the western part of modern-day Turkey had been known as Lydia. In the seventh century BC, Sardis had become the capital of Lydia.

Sardis was known for several reasons. One was that this capital city was impregnable, untouchable, undefeatable. It sat up 1500 feet on a small plateau, and the cliffs that surrounded most of it were so steep and so difficult to climb that it seemed invincible.

Its second claim to fame was its wealth. The River Pactolus runs in the valley at the base of the mountain. Gold was discovered ...

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