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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 3:15-22
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Baptism of Jesus Christ (10)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 3:15-22

INTRODUCTION: Having been rejected by the Jewish authorities. Having been betrayed by a companion for 30 pieces of silver, having been falsely accused, illegally tried and sentenced to die by crucifixion, having been nailed to a cross of wood till dead, having absorbed the totality of the dreaded cup of God's wrath, having been buried 3 long days, having overcome death, hell and the grave, having shown Himself alive by many irrefutable proofs... our Lord gathered together with his disciples one last time and gave them the mission they and all who came after them were to be about until His return.

"Go", He said, "into all the world and make disciples of all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". This is without controversy the Ultimatum of Heaven. It is and has been called, the "great commission" It is the only imperative given to believers in all four Gospels and the Book of Acts.

Central to our adherence to this command is the act of BAPTISM. If there was any act of religious observance that we ought to practice normatively, second only to the preaching of the Gospel itself is the act of Baptism.

Few events in your life will hold greater significance the act of Baptism. Yet for many - it is hardly remembered. We photograph our weddings, we hire professional videographers to capture the monumentous occasion, and rightly so. Yet, however significant the wedding ceremony and the subsequent marriage may be, it is at best temporary. The Christian marriage is, after all, till death do we part.

Baptism on the other hand is a ceremony with eternal implications, no only for the baptizee, but also for those fortunate enough to observe such a thing. Every Christian community for now over two millennia have held this sacred trust and have performed the holy ordinance of baptism.

Today's text give us the remarkable oppor ...

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