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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 3:1-20
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Title: Three Marks of Repentance (9)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 3:1-22

INTRODUCTION/CONTEXT: Last week we saw from the birth of Jesus until he was 12 years of age. This week, Luke takes a very large step forward in the narrative from that point, some 18 years. At this point Jesus is around 30 years of age. His older cousin John has begun to preach in the wilderness of Judea. Large crowds are making the journey to hear him.

He is calling them to REPENT and be BAPTIZED. Now Baptism, as we have already talked about was a rite of passage for Gentiles who wished to come into the covenant community of Israel. But John, was calling the Jews to be baptized and they were coming by the thousands.

A great move of God is taking place, a spiritual revival of sorts. But as is the case with every genuine work of God, some are there for the wrong reasons and that is eternally dangerous. Perhaps some are coming out of curiosity, others are coming because it's good for business to be associated with something that has the attention of the masses.

John hits pause and speaks to those who are present, but not genuinely repentant.

TEXT: Luke 3:1-22 (ESV)

1 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,

The early Roman Emperors would adopt whoever was most fit to be their successor. Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. As Augustus approached death, Tiberius was the least objectionable successor. And while Augustus didn't like him, he nevertheless adopted him as his son. On August 19, of the year 14AD Augustus died a month later Tiberius was made Emperor by the Roman Senate at 54 years of age.

Luke tells us that John's preaching began in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. If he is reckoning the date from the Death of Augustus that would place John's ministry beginning in 28AD (give or take a year).

1b. Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea,

Pilate ruled Judea from a.d. 26-36 So we know it was early that his admin ...

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