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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 1:57-80
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Title: The Birth of History's Greatest Man (6)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 1:57-80

INTRODUCTION: As a student of history I have often marveled at the titles given to great men. Some were called, "great", Alexander the Great, Herod the Great... others were called, "terrible" Ivan the Terrible. It seems, what makes one man great and another man terrible is simply the author of the History book. History belongs to the winners so often.

Yet, by any estimation if Jesus of Nazareth calls you great, you my friend, are great. Jesus Himself would be in a separate category, of course - the God man. But of ordinary men born of woman, who was the greatest? Well, there was one man on whom Jesus bestowed that honor.

Matthew 11:11 (ESV)

"11 Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist..."

He is called John the Baptist, or John the Baptizer. Perhaps we should call him, "John the Great", in the tradition of the great leaders of the world. Today we will survey the birth of this greatest of all men.

CONTEXT: Remember when the Angel Gabriel met Zechariah the Priest in the Holy place he told him that he and Elizabeth were to give birth to a son in their old age. Zechariah gave evidence that he either didn't believe in the promise of God or he didn't believe the power of God to bring a child to them this late in life. Either way - God struck Zechariah both deaf and mute.

We see in today's text that he could neither speak nor hear. Many consider this a type or shadow of the nation Israel. God's Word came to them first - "He came unto His own and His own received Him not". Thus for the last 2,100 years they have had a veil over their hearts - neither hearing from God nor speaking for God because of their rejection of the Son of God.

Well, in Luke 1:57 the time for the birth of John has arrived.

TEXT: Luke 1:57-80 (ESV)

57 Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore ...

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