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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Luke 1:46-56
This content is part of a series.

Title: Turning Worry into Worship (5)
Series: Luke
Author: Zach Terry
Text: Luke 1:46-56


"I'm a Mom and I worry. It's like it's part of my DNA.", writes Amanda a Mom Blogger. I wake up at 3:30 in the morning Then my brain starts spinning, and the worry starts creeping in. I worry about things I can't change. I lie there awake, tossing and turning, for another hour before I fall back asleep, only to be woken up a few hours later by children ready to start their day. I'm exhausted.

Sound familiar? There is a lot to worry about!

ILLUSTRATION: Everyday Health Pregnancy & Parenting surveyed 3,232 women between the ages of 18 and 54 who were either pregnant or have a child 0 to 8 years old.1

- Over two-thirds, 68% say they are experiencing anxiety, with more than a third (35 percent) reporting clinical levels from moderate to severe.

- 71% of moms list family finances and issues like inflation and gas prices as the largest contributors to their anxiety.

- Other issues revolve around their children hitting certain milestones of progress and a lack of support from those around them.

Well if anyone could be tempted to worry - it was Mary.

- We've seen already that she was betrothed to Joseph as a teenager. That in itself could be challenging. I mean her mom and dad picked out her husband who was likely just a few years older than her. I've never met a teenager I trusted to marry my daughters. And my kids don't like anything I pick out.

- Not only was she betrothed, suddenly she was chosen by God to bear the Messiah. Inexplicably pregnant somehow outside of her marriage. She knew it was the power of God that came over her, but would others? Her parents? Her friends? Her synagogue? Even Joseph had his doubts.

- And this Son she would bare. What is a Messiah to do? How does a young girl, in a small town prepare a boy to be the King of all Kings? Would he have to go to war? Would people love Him, would they hate Him? ...

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