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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Ephesians 1:7-8

Title: Son's Redemption (3)
Series: Ephesians 1
Author: Stephen Whitney
Ephesians 1:7-8

On September 11, 2001 Genelle Guzman was in the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York city when the first plane crashed into the building. She started descending the staircase from the 64th floor when the steel beams weakened from the heat of the fire and broke.

The solid concrete broke around her as the building collapsed, but somehow her body was able to find an air pocket in the rubble to stay alive. Her right leg was pinned under heavy concrete pillars and her head was caught between stacks of wreckage. For 27 hours she lay trapped and seriously injured.

Several months before the attack she had started attending the church called Brooklyn Tabernacle and wanted to get her life turned around. So, while she was stuck in the rubble, she started to pray. She would trail off to sleep - wake up and pray some more.

Shortly after noon on Wednesday the 12th, she heard voices.

So, she screamed as loud as she could, "I'm here! HEY, I'M RIGHT HERE!" A rescue worker responded, "Do you see the light?" She did not. She took a piece of concrete and banged it against a broken stairway overhead - probably the same structure that had saved her life. The searchers followed the noise, Genelle wedged her hand through a crack in the wall, and felt someone grab it. Then she heard a voice say, "I've got you," and Genelle said, "OH GOD, THANK YOU."

It took the rescuers 20 long minutes of moving debris and then she was freed, saved from the rubble. She was the last of just four people caught in the debris to be found alive.

In many ways she represents the plight of all people. We are buried under an enormous amount of sin. We have no hope of ever freeing ourselves. We are stuck and need some to save us.


Sin (174x) - Gk. to miss the mark or wander from the path.

Spiritually it is to break God's law willfully or unintentionally.

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