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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Esther 2:19-23, Romans 1:16

Title: Together We Live Changed (4)
Series: Together We...
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Romans 1:16, Esther 2:19-23

We are in a series called Together We

Together We Are ONE - Saved people are a United People

Together WE Pray - A Praying Church is a healthy Church

Together We Need People - People Need People

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And I believe we are just laying the foundation today.
God has brought all of you here for a purpose.
God has brought my family here for a purpose.
God has saved you for a purpose.
God is calling you to himself for a purpose.
God has you in the OKC area for a purpose.

That purpose is to draw close to him and make him know!!


I truly believe God has chosen us for such a time as this to be partners in taking the Gospel to our community.

To our neighborhoods

To our Friends

To our co-workers

To our schools.

Much like God chose Esther in the bible...

What if God has chosen us for such a time as this like he did Esther

Esther was a Jew who had no mother or father (1:7). (ORPHAN) She was raised by her cousin Mordecai... (1:7)

During Esther's time, King Xerxes gets ticked off at Queen Vashti...

Now this is funny - in short King Xerxes gets drunk with all his buddies as he is trying to impress them... While he is drunk he sends for the Queen because (1:11) she is "Fine to look at"...

So he sent his people to get her and told her to put on your crown and to strut her stuff...

She said NO - due to a party she was having at the same time...

Well, the king is ticked so he sent her away and went to find a new Queen...

This is where Esther comes in...

Esther (2:9) "won his favor"

NOW - Mordecai, Esther's Cousin, hangs out at the front of the King's Gates a lot.

He must have had no life.

While there (2:19-23) he uncovers this plot to kill the king so he lets Es ...

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