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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-12
This content is part of a series.

Title: Your Foundation (3)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 1:3-12

In the fall of 2016, we contracted to build a house. Billy, our contractor, has built many houses and so we had little to worry about. That said, one of the many things which I watched closely was the laying of the foundation. Why? You know why, because if the foundation is flawed the house will not stand. Jesus ended His "Sermon on the Mount" talking about foundations. If a house (or life) is not built on a firm foundation, it will become like the house built on the sand and fall. The foundation determines the strength of your structure. More to the point, whatever you build your life "on" determines how your life is lived out. Foundation matters. We cannot start wrong and expect to finish right. Foundation.

We are in a foundational crisis of life in America today. We wonder why young people are going off the reservation at a record pace. But what is it that they are being taught? Speaking with dozens of pastors, I am hearing a common refrain as they bare their hearts with me about what kids are being taught tacitly what is important.

Sunday seems to belong to 'us' rather than to the Lord. And kids figure this out quickly. Think about their opinions, "If God's house is not important enough to give our commitment all the time, then what is the use of going when we can, what does it really mean anyway?"

Additionally, and more far-reaching is that they miss the entire idea that attending services, meeting with the Lord, and His people results in lives given (or surrendered) to the King.

Make no mistake, they understand surrender, but it is surrendering schedule to whatever activity is available, whatever job that brings the most money, and whatever experience that can bring us pleasure; but to surrender a life to God is becoming foreign to this generation. Thus, we are in a foundational crisis in America today.

Peter certainly understood the ...

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