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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25

Title: Together We Need People (3)
Series: Together We...
Author: Brian Mills
Text: Hebrews 10:24-25

We are in a series called Together We:

We have done:

Together We Are ONE - Saved people are a United People
Together WE Pray - A Praying Church is a healthy Church

I mentioned last week that If we lock in under the vision that God gives us as a church then we can leave a huge mark on this city God has entrusted us with by placing us here.

Show the Map of all the addresses in our City - God has given us a reach of 1.4 million

God is opening a crazy unique door for us through people. People that long to be faithful and work hard for the gospel....

We must be people who run from doing the bare minimum and run to the vision God gives us.

I heard John Maxwell say one time if you want to be a rising leader then I challenge you to be the first to arrive and the last to leave.

Give it your all.

Go all in

No shortcuts.

Breaking through the bare minimum is a daily choice.

A daily decision

A daily commitment

A decision that moves you beyond where you are and sends you to where you long to be.

You can't get there doing the bare minimum.

Do we not tend to fall into the bare minimum life in our faith?

Often we want just the bare minimum...

I will go to Church on Sunday (at least once a month)


No group

No tithing... I will drop some money every now and then

Not going to serve

Not going to invite others

Not going to create a prayer list, memorize scripture, do a bible study, or anything else....

Ever meet anyone to do the bare min... (LAZY,


Only 20% of Americans attend church weekly

41% Monthly

57% never.

In Oklahoma if you regularly attend church (You are faithful)

43% come weekly -

32% come Monthly

25% seldom come

What does that mean for our church...



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