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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1
This content is part of a series.

Title: Peter-The Survivor (1)
Series: 1 Peter
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: 1 Peter 1:1

When Warren Wiersbe wrote a book on 1 Peter, he entitled it, "Be Hopeful." In the same manner when Chuck Swindoll preached and released his study, he called it "Hope in Hurtful Time." Other writers have termed it "Living Hope", "We are refugees", and "Sharing Christ's Sufferings", but whatever the title, as you read Peter's first letter, you get the feeling that "Jesus Brings Hope".

For the next several weeks, we are going to study Peter's first letter. To get a clear picture of his message, let take a few minutes and consider the messenger.

It seems to me that message of First Peter is very personal to Peter because he learned about needing hope and finding hope in the midst of a life that took several wrong turns.

His Conversion - For me, we are introduced to Peter in John 1. While the Book of Mark was written some 30 years before John and both books mention Peter in their first chapter, I contend that John refers to an earlier time than Mark does. Peter's brother Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist (John 1:35-42) and when Jesus came by Andrew found and followed Jesus. The Bible says, "Andrew first found his brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah and he brought Simon to Jesus. Thus, Andrew gave us the model for being a part of Jesus' Kingdom. This is John's introduction of Peter. When we read about this event, it's obvious that Peter became a follower of Jesus when Andrew told him and carried him to Jesus. As an aside, Peter wound up with three names. Jesus said, "You are Simon, son of John, but you will be called Cephas which translates as Peter." Peter means Rock. Peter so gave himself to Jesus that this strong, hard, opinionated, driven person of Peter accepted the name change that Jesus offered. I dare say, this was a big change for Peter.

His Calling - John Mark introduces Peter as a Commercial Fisherman. Jesus came by. Obviously, t ...

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