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by Brian Fletcher

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-6

Sermon: Unique but Unified
Author: Brian Fletcher
Text: Ephesians 4:1-6


What do these people have in common?

A retired guy who loves woodworking, organizing and looking out for others needs and...

A young attorney who is a new father and who feverishly studies the Scriptures and theology???

An infant who cannot take care of themselves but mainly eats, sleeps and makes messes in a diaper and...

An empty nester who plays pickleball, loves the Hokies, and helps take care of his mother-in-law???

A young mother with a toddler that won't stop jumping on the furniture, loves her husband, and is grateful to drink a cup of Starbucks alone in her car and...

A single woman, who is struggling to make a career change, and is infatuated with Taylor Swift???

The answer is that they are all a part of this particular church family. They are unique in their personalities, gifts, hobbies, struggles, and livlihoods, yet they are all connected through their same faith in Christ.

As we continue in our series: Created for Community, this morning we are going to look at how God has created us both unique and unified from Ephesians 4:1-16

Read Ephesians 4:1-16

Created to be Unique

v. 11 tells us God gave special gifts to individuals; apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. The people with these gifts "tended"(not always) to be leaders in the churches. God designed His church globally and locally to have leaders who would "equip the saints" for the work of ministry.

In our church, we have teachers, shepherds, evangelists, and prophets. Prophets, in the sense that a preacher is supposed to be a mouthpiece for God proclaiming His words as they are found in the Scriptures. But not beyond that. Our own words of exhortation may never be as authoritative as the Bible.

Ephesians however, is not the only place in the Bible that teaches about Spiritual gifts given to the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12 as w ...

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