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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Luke 24:1-9

Title: Empty!
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Luke 24:1-9

Well, if you noticed, we have an empty tomb up here. How many people noticed that something was a little different? All right, that's good, because some of you didn't notice. But it pictures what we're here for and that's an empty tomb! We're calling this service, "Empty!" because the tomb is empty. And, you know, empty, that was one of the things that no one disputed at the time of Christ when the tomb was empty. The soldiers, who were guarding the tomb, they would agree, "Yeah, the tomb is empty." The chief priests and the scribes and the Pharisees and all those religious guys who hated Jesus, they would tell you the tomb is empty and was empty. Nobody denied that. The disciples they were surprised. They were shocked. But they said, "Yeah, the tomb is empty." It was something that was agreed upon by friends and foes alike. The tomb was empty. Now, as to why the tomb was empty, although there were different stories about that, but we all know that the tomb was empty.

Now, maybe you're here today and you say, "Okay, empty tomb. Well, what does that mean to me - that which happened 2,000 years ago - how does an empty tomb make a difference in my life?" I mean, here you are and you braved the rain, and, and you say, you know, "One of the reasons I'm here is because I had to come. It's Easter. And I was told by Mom or Gramma if I don't go to church, ain't no lunch for me." You know, so some of you are like that. You were kind of coerced into coming here.

And some or others you're coming here and you've got all sorts of problems. And you've got difficulties in your life, and there are difficulties in school, or difficulties at work. Your marriage is just not going well. And you're having problems at home. And there's fighting and so much stress. And you say, "How does an empty tomb make a difference in my life today? Does it make a difference?" Yes! It makes all the difference in the worl ...

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