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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: Acts 9:1-2
This content is part of a series.

Title: A Transformed Life (5)
Series: Acts
Author: Collin Wimberly
Text: Acts 9:1-2

CIT - Paul is transformed by his saving encounter with Jesus Christ.

Proposition - Salvation is a life changing transformation.



Vs. 1 picks up where 8:3 left us.

Now, Saul has stepped up his activity against the Church.

The high Priest is most likely Caiaphais.

Letters were introductory letters to the leaders of the local synagogues, in order to secure their support.

Damascus was a 6-day journey. He was angry enough to to go to this extent to persecute the church.

He was breathing threats and murder - He was almost a wild animal in his hatred for the church. He describes his activity in chp. 26:9-11

"Saul, the hunter, was a brutal, implacable, bloody man. His goal was nothing short of the complete experimentation of the Way! . . . He was a frightening, violent enemy." R. Kent Hughes

Yet, Acts 26 tells us that Saul was feeling the convicting work of the Spirit. 26:14 - Jesus said to him, "it is hard for you to kick against the goads." A goad was a stick that one used to poke a Ox to make him work. Sometimes the Ox would kick against the goads in its frustration, but it was a futile endeavor. Jesus was saying that he was poking at Saul, making him think about what he was doing. Perhaps he was remembering how Stephen died and prayed, "Father forgive them." Maybe he wondered as he arrested people for being Christians. Why would they risk their lives for this Jesus? The Spirit was poking him, prodding him. The Spirit was pursuing him.

He felt guilt but suppressed it. He sensed that something was wrong, that there might be something to this Christianity, but pushed it down and refused to think about it.

Vs. 2 - Don't miss this. The Church is referred to as "The way." The way to eternal life. The way to a relationship to God. "The" way, the only way.


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