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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Romans 12:1-6, Romans 12:9-12

Title: Flesh Hooks That Keep Us On The Altar (3 of 4)
Series: The Secrets of Sacrifice
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Romans 12:1-12

On one of my first trips to Egypt, I was speaking at a large, outdoor venue... and sharing the Gospel over a loudspeaker... to a predominantly Muslim congregation. I'll never forget that moment. People were everywhere. It was dark outside... you could hear the 'call to prayer' in the distance. This was one of the first times I had done something like that... so that scene is etched in my mind.

I'll never forget standing on that stage. The primary language there is Arabic, and so I was speaking through an Arabic interpreter, that was also a believer. We seemed to have a good flow, as we went back and forth. I would say a sentence... and then she would translate that sentence and communicate the message so that everyone could understand.

Well, everything was going great, until we got to the very end. I arrived at the final part of the message, where I wanted to give people the chance to trust Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior... so I asked them this question: I said,
Are you ready to commit your life to Jesus Christ today?

But when I said that... my interpreter froze and just looked at me. She said, "Pastor, use a different word." That caught me off guard. I didn't know what to say. So, she said it again: "Pastor, please rephrase the question and use a different word." So, I did.

I completed the message and we saw several make decisions for Christ, but afterwards I was curious about what had happened in that moment, and so I asked her about it. I said, "Why did you want me to use a different word when I asked them if they wanted to commit their life to Jesus?" And this was her response: She said,

These people cannot think that God only requires a commitment.

They need to know... that God requires a total surrender.

She was right. There's a big difference between commitment and surre ...

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