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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Ephesians 5:16

Title: The Secrets of Sacrifice (1 of 4)
Series: Put It All On The Altar
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Ephesians 5:16

I know that January 1st is just another day on the calendar, but for me, there's something exciting about the opportunity for a fresh start or a new beginning.

This is a time of year, where I personally love to raise the bar and challenge myself to do new things or greater things or different things that I know will propel my life in the right direction.

That's what a new year does for me. It not necessarily a time to rewind the tape and focus on what's behind me... it's an opportunity to reevaluate where I'm at... and reestablish where I want to go... [Ephesians 5:16] tells us to "Pay careful attention to how we walk..." In that verse, Paul tells us to "walk-not as unwise people, but as wise-making the most of our time."

That verse ought to change the way we approach this life... that verse tells us that God has given us a certain number of days... and he's challenged us to number those days and to walk with wisdom so that we can maximize our time on planet earth.

Listen... That's not just a good thought from a self-help book... That is truth from the word of God... That's an expectation from the mouth of God... and that ought to inspire us and motivate us to be even more intentional with the life we've been given.

I don't want to waste a second of this year ... and because of that, I've made some spiritual goals, and physical goals and family goals, and leadership goals...

But here's the thing: At the end of the day, every single goal that I have, and every single adjustment that I'm hoping to make... stems back to the foundation of why God created me in the first place. Do you know why he created you?

The Bible tells us that God created us, with the intention of our lives bringing glory to God. In [Isaiah 43:7] the LORD says, "Everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory..." Right? God says the reason ...

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