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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Genesis 21:1-21

Isaac and Ishmael (30 of 61)
In the Beginning
Pastor Jeff Schreve
Primary Scripture: Genesis 21:1-21

When you're getting ready to have a new addition into the family, whether it's your own child or a grandchild, and everything is going good, and the baby is healthy, and mom is healthy there are a few things as exciting as that. But now, you take that excitement, and you magnify it for our story tonight, our passage tonight, with Abraham and Sarah. Sarah, who is ninety years old, is getting ready to give birth to Isaac. She has been barren her whole life. She has passed the age. Obviously, when you're ninety, that ship done sailed, right? You're not going to have any kids. But God had said she was going to have a baby.

Now, I looked it up today on the Internet. I said, "Oldest woman to ever have a child." And so, USA Today had an article, and it from a woman who was seventy-three years old in India, and she had twins, her first two children, and she did it with in vitro fertilization and all that. But they said she is the oldest woman ever to give birth. And I said, "Well, I know two that are older than her." You have Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother. It doesn't give the age for Elizabeth. It just says she was advanced in years. She had passed the age of childbearing. She was advanced in years. We say, "How old is advanced in years?" Anywhere from sixty to eighty! There's a lady in Luke chapter 2, her name is Anna, she is advanced in years, and the Bible does give her age. She's 84. So, we could say that John the Baptist's mother, Elizabeth could have easily been seventy-five or eighty years old. But nobody tops Sarah. Sarah was ninety years old, and her young stud of a husband was a hundred. And so, it's an amazing thing that took place and there was great excitement. And there is a story that the Scripture wraps the birth of Isaac around also Ishmael. So, Abraham has two sons. He has Ishmael when he's eighty-six with Hagar, S ...

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