Title: Holiness Is Not An Option!
Author: Darrow Perkins
Text: Leviticus 20:7-8
INTRODUCTION: Today, there is a misconception concerning the word holiness. Some believe it to be a church or denominations, an organization in which people attend or join for worship and fellowship. There are statements made by people that they will not attend "that holiness church" because they are too holy, too sanctified, or too religious! Unfortunately, that is not what holiness is...it is a requirement and a lifestyle that God expects of every believer. There are many in our society that don't want to study their bibles because they know it will expose them for what they are doing or they don't want to find out what the true requirement of God is for their lives. They would much rather continue doing whatever it is because it is acceptable in our society, or they just like doing it.
Holiness on the other hand, reveals to us that we must live a life pleasing unto God because He is the giver of life! Since He gave us life, and wants us to live holy, therefore, Holiness is Not an Option!
BACKGROUND/TEXT: Our text is found in the book of Leviticus, written by the hand of Moses to "Israel in particular, and to all succeeding generations to understand two basic facts about life:
There is only one way to become acceptable to God.
God's people are to live holy lives. They are to keep pure bodies and pure spirits."1
The Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible called the Book of Leviticus a "handbook on day-to-day behavior."2 Throughout this book, key words such as "holy," "sanctify," "clean," "unclean," and words with similar meaning can be found more than 350 times. When God repeats Himself, He really wants us to get the message, and today the message is Holiness is Not an Option!
At the beginning of the chapter, Moses is sharing instructions from God to the children of Israel concerning idol worship. Molech means king and the people lost sight of God and ...
Author: Darrow Perkins
Text: Leviticus 20:7-8
INTRODUCTION: Today, there is a misconception concerning the word holiness. Some believe it to be a church or denominations, an organization in which people attend or join for worship and fellowship. There are statements made by people that they will not attend "that holiness church" because they are too holy, too sanctified, or too religious! Unfortunately, that is not what holiness is...it is a requirement and a lifestyle that God expects of every believer. There are many in our society that don't want to study their bibles because they know it will expose them for what they are doing or they don't want to find out what the true requirement of God is for their lives. They would much rather continue doing whatever it is because it is acceptable in our society, or they just like doing it.
Holiness on the other hand, reveals to us that we must live a life pleasing unto God because He is the giver of life! Since He gave us life, and wants us to live holy, therefore, Holiness is Not an Option!
BACKGROUND/TEXT: Our text is found in the book of Leviticus, written by the hand of Moses to "Israel in particular, and to all succeeding generations to understand two basic facts about life:
There is only one way to become acceptable to God.
God's people are to live holy lives. They are to keep pure bodies and pure spirits."1
The Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible called the Book of Leviticus a "handbook on day-to-day behavior."2 Throughout this book, key words such as "holy," "sanctify," "clean," "unclean," and words with similar meaning can be found more than 350 times. When God repeats Himself, He really wants us to get the message, and today the message is Holiness is Not an Option!
At the beginning of the chapter, Moses is sharing instructions from God to the children of Israel concerning idol worship. Molech means king and the people lost sight of God and ...
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